Monday, April 25, 2011

Just who are "they"?

Do you ever wonder who “they” are?   You’ve heard it before or even said it, “I wonder what ‘they’ say about that.”  Or perhaps, “I heard ‘they’ say that was a good idea.” Another, “I wouldn’t do that; you know what ‘they’ say.”   So who exactly are “they?  I Googled it with no luck..nothing. Whoever “they” are they are very influential and powerful and secretive because so many of us live our lives by what “they” think but have no idea who “they” are.

I wonder what would’ve happened if Noah would’ve been afraid to build the ark because of what “they” may think.  Can you imagine? Where would we be if he did? Let me give you a hint, we wouldn’t be because we wouldn’t be here!!  You see, Noah did what God told him to do and that was to get ready for a flood, even though no one had ever seen it rain at all at that time. We don’t know exactly what opposition he went up against but I can just imagine what everyone around him were saying and not only saying but pointing a finger and laughing. Yet Noah kept on building and building…a big boat. Maybe it was his old age that made him not care what “they” thought. For goodness sake the man was 600 years old! When you reach that age you can do anything you want and don’t care what “they” think. I’m just glad Noah didn’t care what “they” thought and went on and built the big boat.  You should be too, or you wouldn’t be here either.

Perhaps we should take note of Noah and his tenacity to do something without caring what “they” think.  Some thoughts….. Are we missing out on doing something great just because we are afraid of what “they” may think?  Is there something that we always wanted to do but haven’t, just because of what “they” may say about it? Are we not living to our full potential just because of what “they” might have said about us in the past? Just some thoughts I have.  I think “they” may have too much power over us and our lives and we don’t even know who “they” are and what makes “them” the experts.

I think it’s time to listen and care about the “One” that Noah listened to instead of what “they” say.  There is nothing else to say so I’ll stop. You now what “they” say…

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Perfection and Forgiveness

As I think about the reason and purpose of Jesus dying on the cross and his resurrection on the third day there is so much to ponder.  It is referred to as the perfect sacrifice for all of mankind, and it is.  Man finally had a way to a direct relationship to the Almighty Creator, The Holy One. 

The life of Christ, while He was on earth, was not one of glamour or fame.  I think if TMZ would of been around they would have had a hay day following this “King” as they took pictures and asked Him questions.  If one wants to know the personality of The Almighty, just follow Him around in the Bible and see how He lived his life while here on earth. He loved, taught, was very direct in his teachings whether it was an individual or to the masses and we can’t forget that he forgave sins.  He was the only human that had the resume to forgive sins because He is perfect and He is the Son of God the Father of the Holy Trinity.  What is interesting is that He forgives and forgets where man has a difficult time forgiving and a very difficult time forgetting.  Yet Jesus is perfection, God is perfection.

Several questions come to my mind as I think further on this subject but one stands out and I can’t let it go.  If God is perfect and holy and His forgives, which includes completely forgetting the sin that is committed after forgiveness if given, who am I to continue to hold grudges after I forgive someone?  Seriously, am I better than God? I think not, but yet I struggle.  You have a difficult time too?  I’m glad I’m not the only one.  We use our reasoning that we area only human, well yes we are, but so was Jesus and He forgave and forgot.  I think sometimes I forgive because it makes me feel like it gives me power over the other person, whereas, our God forgives out of complete love. There is a difference and one that I will strive to follow.

Going back to the cross, Jesus was on the cross and His physical body was near death, He spoke of forgiveness.  The one thief that hung next to Him asked for forgiveness and Christ said “That today you will be with me in Paradise.”  Then Christ continued in his pain and agony prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Wait, was man asking for forgiveness at that time? No, but Jesus knew we need forgiveness.  That is love. 

One hears a lot about love and how to love and what we need more in the world is love, but who is our example in how to love.  I have a suggestion.  Let’s follow the Perfect One who is love.  He loves, forgives and forgets.  I strive in my life to follow in His example as I live.  Something that we should all think about when we think about how we want to live our lives.  I have a long way before I am perfect, but I am going to try my best to follow The Perfect One.  Wow, not only did He forgive in his last words on the cross, He defeated death by rising on the third day afterwards and continues to show us how to love and forgive.    Happy Easter     Tim